Wellbeing Hub

What is a Wellbeing Hub?
When you are struggling with your mental health and wellbeing, it can be difficult to know what kind of support you might need, where to find it, and how to go about accessing it. Our Wellbeing Hub offers a welcoming and safe space within the community for people to access a wide range of information, guidance and support under one roof. We work in partnership with other services, partners and charitable groups to try an ensure that people can access what they need, at the right time for them.
What can the Wellbeing Hub can offer you?
BEAM (Building Engagement Around Mental health café) and BEAM/Night Light café
A range of various groups and activities such as Warm Welcome Spaces, cooking and much more (Please see our monthly Hub diary)
Wellbeing projects, training and courses such as Recovery college courses
Signposting to and support with referrals to key mental health services
Signposting to local groups, services and opportunities
Signposting into Social Prescribing
Peer support from other people with lived experience
Opportunities to meet new people
Volunteer support and opportunities
And much more……
How to find us
Location - Centenary Methodist Church, Red Lion St, Boston PE21 6NY
Hub number: 01205 355543 or 07484 024856
Find us on Facebook
Wellbeing Hub Satellite provision:
Location - Black Sluice, South Forty Foot Bank, Boston PE21 7RA
Contact number: 07484 024856

If you are worried about someone’s immediate safety/wellbeing, please call 999 and ask for an ambulance / or the police

Coming Up!